Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Month Gone By

It's been a long time.  I had intended to keep this up to date fairly well, and then before I knew it a whole month had disappeared.  It was busy, it was happy, it was sad.

Dubuque was fantastic!  Alex scored 2 goals and drew a penalty kick for an assist.  I happened to get this fantastic shot of her first goal.
It doesn't look as good not zoomed in, but still pretty awesome.

Before I left Dubuque, I got a call from my Greek little-little sister informing me that one of our sisters passed away due to her Epilepsy.  I proceeded to cry in the middle of Wal-mart (Chris was really great though because he happened to be there), but made it through the next week alright.  Sometimes I still see things that make me think of her, like a picture at school that a student had drawn and signed her name.  Anytime I see those things, they make me smile because I know she's not really gone.

I got to go home the next weekend after 2 days of parent teacher conferences (I survived!).  It was really great seeing family again and attending Sarah's baby shower!  The next few weeks pretty much flew by with a weekend spent with college friends in St. Louis.  Thanksgiving was great.  I went to Chris' for the first part of the week and returned home on Friday.  Thursday night Alex and I went to Aurora, which turned out to be a huge bust, but you can't win 'em all.  Mom and I, of course, did some more shopping when I was home and I got to spend some time with the kids.  Hailey and I played Candy Land.  The tally is 1-1, I figured I'd keep track.  Jacob appears to be teething and is somewhat clingy recently and wanted to be held all the Julie.  Luckily, when she was busy, "Narn" was an acceptable substitute.

I'm about halfway done with my Christmas shopping which I think is pretty good for the end of November.  I did start in October though :)  I'm hoping to be done within the next 2 weeks at the latest.  I'm trying to avoid the whole procrastinating thing as much as possible.

Last thing before I head to bed.  This is from my new favorite blog and it made me smile.
